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Elevating Human Performance

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Getting An Edge Up On Your Competition

Building Confidence, Strength, and Resilience

So, you want to play hockey? But can you skate?

I have worked with thousands of hockey players over my 35 years of coaching…but guess what…outside of a short stint with a women’s recreational hockey team, “Chicks with Sticks”, the opportunity to enjoy Canada’s game was not available to me as a young person. I did not grow up playing hockey, however my parents couldn’t get me out of the rink – I loved the feeling of going fast and flying in the air. I fulfilled my dream of being a professional figure skater and skated throughout North America with the Ice Capades. I did not get to play hockey…however, I do get to share my passion of the ice with hockey players and watch them develop as powerful on ice athletes.

Power Skating ~ slang for ~ let’s be efficient and powerful!

I teach technical skating. I thrive on breaking down skating skills into their finite pieces to ensure nothing is “broken” within a skill. I work with players from the core out and ensure there is purpose and intention with every drill we do. I teach skaters how to listen to their skates, encourage them to feel their boots from the inside out and to see what they are doing on the ice. Do we work hard? Absolutely! However, practicing a drill over and over and over again incorrectly, doesn’t make a skater faster, it only practices inefficiencies. My goal for every hockey player I work with from novice skaters to professional hockey players is the same: Let’s reach your potential and be the most powerful efficient skater you can be so you are always in the game where you want to be.

Matt Irwin from Buffalo Sabres skating with Coach Mena

Skating is an art, a science, a skill.

I hope everyone is given the opportunity to learn how to skate. My methodology of teaching includes “brain training”, repeating a skill to the point where the body and mind automatically defer to “best practice”. I want every hockey player I work with to feel “graceful” on the ice…perhaps not a term any hockey player is striving for. Perhaps better defined as fluid, smooth, powerful and a player that makes it look easy. Ensuring the mechanics are in order assists a skater in the proper foot release – a fancy way of saying, “the way your blade leaves the ice, will determine power potential”. This is huge…and this is relevant no matter what direction you are going; forwards, backwards, in circles etc. Combined with understanding rotation and transitions by practicing proper body position, a skater will move towards increased efficiency. Putting all of this together consistently, repeatedly and willingly, works!

What’s the rink mean to me?

The rink is my place of solace… how ironic, probably one of the nosier “arenas” in town. However, the sounds of cutting edges, hockey stops and toe snaps are a constant reminder of our bodies ability to push and be challenged physically and our mental capacity to willingly be disciplined to perform the simplest of drills countless number of times. Characteristics that will lead us to success in anything we do in life.

Skate well, score more… If you want to be a part of the game, take the time to learn how to skate.

Coach Mena

For more information contact Mena directly at or 250-415-5983☺

PowerWest Athletics provides technical skating skill instruction and hockey skill development for hockey players in a motivating, disciplined, safe and fun environment. “Skate well… Score more!”

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